May 062019
10ZiG 5948q Zero Client

You’ve created some 10ZiG Manager configuration templates, modified them to reflect the settings you need, and now you want to deploy the configuration template to your 10ZiG Zero Clients using the 10ZiG Manager.

In this post, we’ll be going over how to deploy an existing configuration template that is stored inside of your 10ZiG Manager management software.

This allows you to push out configs on the fly to either a single device, or 10,000 devices at once. This is a MUST for managing small, medium, and large sized 10ZiG deployments.

If you’re interesting in 10ZiG products and looking to buy, don’t hesitate to reach out to me for information and/or a quote! We can configure and sell 10ZiG Zero Clients (and thin clients), help with solution design and deployment, and provide consulting services! We sell and ship to Canada and the USA!

This post is part three of a three part 10ZiG Manager Tutorial series:

Please Note: we are going to assume you have created a configuration template, have modified it to the settings you required, and have your network properly configured for 10ZiG Manager to function.


  1. Open the 10ZiG Manager.
    10ZiG Manager Logged In Main Window
  2. Choose the 10ZiG Zero Client(s) that you’d like to deploy the configuration to. You can “CTRL + Click” or “SHIFT + Click” to select more than one 10ZiG Zero Client.
  3. In the menu, expand “Configuration” -> and select “Apply Template”.
    10ZiG Manager Configuration Menu via Right Click
  4. A “Configuration Template Note” is displayed. Please read and understand this, then click “Ok”.
    Configuration Template Note on configuration merge
  5. In the “Configuration Templates” window, select and highlight the configuration template you’d like to deploy, and then click “Ok”. In my example, I’m choosing “DA-MainTemplate”.
    10ZiG Apply Template Window Dialog Box
  6. The “Configuration Cloning Target” dialog box is displayed. Here you can change the target hostname, and choose to immediately push the configuration. Select “Ok”.
    Configuration Cloning Target 10ZiG Manager Dialog Box
  7. And now the “Reboot” dialog box is displayed. Here you can choose how you’d like the reboot to be handled once the configuration is pushed to the device(s). Select your preference, or leave as default and select “Ok”.
    10ZiG Manager Configuration Template Apply Reboot Options Dialog Box
  8. You’ll be brought back to the 10ZiG Manager interface. Here you’ll see a new task in the tasks list at the bottom of the window.
    10ZiG Manager Apply Configuration Template Status Task Window Pane Completed
  9. Once completed, you have successfully deployed the configuration.

You’re done! You have successfully pushed the configuration template to your 10ZiG Zero Client(s).

You can maintain, edit, and use multiple templates for different users, organizational units, or geographical units.

  4 Responses to “10ZiG Manager – Deploy Configuration Template to 10ZiG Zero Client(s)”

  1. […] 10ZiG Zero Clients, configured the 10ZiG Manager, and want to create a configuration template to deploy to all your […]

  2. […] without any configuration necesary, but what about when that doesn’t happen. You need to push a configuration template with the device information to your 10ZiG Zero […]

  3. […] this, you can add it to a configuration template (or generate a configuration template), and then deploy it to a large number of 10ZiG Zero Clients using 10ZiG […]

  4. […] 10ZiG Manager – Deploy Configuration Template to 10ZiG Zero Client(s) […]

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