Jan 212022
sconfig Server Configuration menu

We’re all used to updating our Windows Server operating systems with the Windows Update GUI, but did you know that you can update your server using command prompt and “sconfig”?

The past few years I’ve been managing quite a few Windows Server Core Instances that as we all know, do not have a GUI. In order to update those instances, you need to run Windows Update using the command line, but this method actually also works on normal Windows Server instances with the GUI as well!

Windows Update from CLI (Command Prompt)

Please enjoy this video or read on for why and how!


Using a GUI is great, however sometimes it’s not needed, and sometimes it even causes problems if it looses the backend connection where it’s pulling the data from. I’ve seen this true on newer Windows operating systems where the Windows Update GUI stops updating and you just sit there thinking the updates are running, when they are actually all complete.

The GUI also creates additional overhead and clutter. If there was an easier alternative to perform this function, wouldn’t it just make sense?

On Windows Server instances that have a GUI, I find it way faster and more responsive to just open an elevated (Administrative) command prompt, and kick off Windows Updates from there.


You can use this method on all modern Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server (with a GUI)
  • Windows Server Core (without a GUI)

This also works with Windows Server Update Services so you can use this method either connecting to Windows Update (Microsoft Update) or Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

Now lets get started!

  1. Open an Administrative (elevated) command prompt
  2. Run “sconfig” to launch the “Server Configuration” application
    command prompt launch sconfig
  3. Select option “6” to “Download and Install Windows Updates”
    sconfig Server Configuration menu
  4. Choose “A” for all updates, or “R” for recommended updates, and a scan will start
  5. After the available updates are shown, choose “A” for all updates, “N” for no updates, or “S” for single update selection

After performing the above, the updates will download and install.

sconfig Windows Update running
“sconfig” Windows Update downloading and installing

I find it so much easier to use this method when updating many/multiple servers instead of the GUI. Once the updates are complete and you’re back at the “Server Configuration” application, you can use option “13” to restart Windows.

May 172020
Microsoft Windows Server Logo Image

Today we take it back to basics with a guide on how to create an Active Directory Domain on Windows Server 2019.

These instructions are also valid for previous versions of Microsoft Windows Server.

This video will demonstrate and explain the process of installing, configuring, and deploying a Windows Server 2019 instance as a Domain Controller, DNS Server, and DHCP Server and then setting up a standard user.

I also have a newer guide on How to create an Active Directory Domain on Windows Server 2022!

Check it out and feel free to leave a comment! Scroll down below for more information and details on the guide.

Windows Server 2019: How to Create an Active Directory Domain

Who’s this guide for

No matter if you’re an IT professional who’s just getting started or if you’re a small business owner (on a budget) setting up your first network, this guide is for you!

What’s included in the video

In this guide I will walk you through the following:

  • Installing Windows Server 2019
  • Documenting a new Server installation
  • Configuring Network Settings
  • Installation and configuration of Microsoft Active Directory
  • Promote a server as a new domain controller
  • Installation and configuration of DNS Role
  • Installation and configuration of DHCP Role
  • Setup and configuration of a new user account

What’s required

To get started you’ll need:

Hardware/Software used in this demonstration

  • VMware vSphere
  • HPE DL360p Gen8 Server
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • pfSense Firewall

Other blog posts referenced in the video

The following blog posts are mentioned in the video:

Jan 312020
Microsoft Windows Server Logo Image

While us pros usually stay away from this tool, it is needed sometimes. Recently I found myself in a situation where I wanted to run the “Disk Cleanup” Windows app, on a Windows Server 2019 VM running Server Core.

As you all know, Server Core has a limited GUI. You’re able to run things like a command prompt, Task Manager, notepad, and other limited things. I wanted to see if we could get Disk Manager running on it, because of it’s light UI I was thinking it may be possible.

How to install Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr.exe) on Windows Server 2019, Server Core edition

Two files are required for Disk Cleanup:

  • cleangmgr.exe – The Disk Cleanup executable
  • cleanmgr.exe.mui – I’m assuming this is the language files required for the application

The above files when installed, are stored here:

  • C:\Windows\System32\cleanmgr.exe
  • C:\Windows\System32\en-US\cleanmgr.exe.mui

When it comes to installing Disk Cleanup, you need to have those two files placed in their appropriate directories.

You can source these files from other servers (preferably running the same version of Windows Server), or you can snag the files from the WinSXS folder on a valid Windows install. An example of the WinSXS paths can be found below:

Windows Server 2016

  • cleanmgr.exe – C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-cleanmgr_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.0_none_9ab8a1dc743e759a\cleanmgr.exe
  • cleanmgr.exe.mui – C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-cleanmgr.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.0_en-us_8b4adb68af596a23\cleanmgr.exe.mui

After placing these files in their proper directory, you can open a command prompt and just type “cleanmgr” to launch the Disk Cleanup application.

These instructions also apply to the fully loaded version of Windows Server 2019 (full GUI), as well as previous versions.

Oct 072019
Microsoft Windows Server Logo Image

Today I’m going to be talking about Read Only Domain Controllers (RODC). An RODC is a Read Only Domain Controller for Active Directory Services inside of Microsoft Windows Server. It has become one of my favorite discoveries in the last 10 years for use with clients in certain situations.

A Read Only Domain Controller is similar to a regular Domain Controller, with the exception that the content is synchronized and available as a read-only copy. You cannot write to an RODC AD database.

Let’s explore RODC’s in more depth and find out what they are, why they are used, and use-case scenario examples.

What is an RODC

Read Only Domain Controllers were originally released with Windows Server 2008, and have been available on all versions since (including Windows Server 2008R2, Windows Server 2012/2012R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019).

A Domain controller that is an RODC contains a read-only cached copy of the Active Directory database. Additional sets of controls are available to control and limit this information and what is stored and cached.

Why an RODC

A Read Only Domain Controller is typically placed in situations and scenarios where a standard writable domain controller cannot be placed. The AD data/information can be filtered so that important items such as passwords, credentials, and other security sensitive information are not cached on that server. This provides a safety mechanism if the RODC is stolen or compromised (either physically, or virtually). You can control it so that only required information is cached, such as credentials for the users in the specific office.

RODC’s are meant to be used at remote offices and/or branch offices (ROBO) to allow services to function that rely on Active Directory such as file/print services and other Active Directory applications. Also, typically at these sites it either wouldn’t make sense or be safe to have a writable domain controller, however the RODC is needed to cache AD information, and enhance performance of these AD applications.

Offloading Active Directory requests to a single cached copy onsite on an RODC significantly reduces bandwidth pipe requirements versus having numerous computers and users authenticating and requesting Active Directory content over a site-to-site VPN between the main office and remote office/branch office.

Also, if you have an office with an unstable internet connection where the site-to-site VPN regularly has issues or isn’t always available, having an RODC available to handle Active Directory requests can keep that office online and functioning.

Scenarios for an RODC

In the past I’ve used Read Only Domain Controllers for a few different types of scenarios. I’ll get in to them below and explain why.

The scenarios:

  • AD Cache for ROBO (Remote Office Branch Office)
    • Unstable internet connection
    • AD Services at remote site (File/Print, LoB)
    • Numerous Users accessing Active Directory
    • Improve login times
  • ROBO with Potential Security issues (theft, lack of survailence, etc.)
    • Office is in remote area with delayed physical security response, risk of theft
    • Server physical security at risk, employees could have access
  • Corporate Infrastructure hosted in the Cloud
    • Domain Controller in the Cloud
    • Need a DC on-premise to handle logins and resource access

AD Cache for ROBO (Remote Office Branch Office)

Implementing an RODC in this situation is an excellent example. In a situation where an office has unreliable (intermittent or slow) internet but is critical to business continuity, an RODC can keep them up and running uninterrupted.

Typically, if you were just using a Site-to-Site VPN, if that connection went down, users wouldn’t be able to authenticate against Active Directory or access resources in Active Directory. Having an RODC on-site, allows them to authenticate (if their credentials are stored) and access resources.

As most IT professionals are aware, having a large number of users authenticating and accessing these resources over a VPN can use up the bandwidth pipe and cause issues. Having an RODC locally virtually eliminates VPN bandwidth usage to only Active Directory synchronization, and synchronization deltas.

Finally, having users authenticate locally instead of a saturated high latency VPN connection, improves their login time and performance.

ROBO with Potential Security issues (theft, lack of survailence, etc.)

If you have a remote site with security concerns, an RODC can help you with your security strategy.

If an RODC is physically stolen, only credentials that are filtered to be cached on that RODC are stored locally, this usually excludes administrative accounts as well as other users and services that aren’t accessed or used at the remote site. Also, because the domain controller isn’t writable, the thief cannot power on, inject data in to Active Directory and have it sync to your other domain controllers if they somehow gained access to your internal network.

The above also holds true for possible malicious employees who may have skills or knowledge, or allow other 3rd parties to have physical or virtual access to the server.

In the event of a disaster, restoring or recreating an RODC is easy and fast. Since it synchronizes from writable DCs on the network, the concerns of traditional writable domain controller restores don’t need to be considered.

Corporate Infrastructure hosted in the Cloud

If by chance most of your corporate infrastructure is hosted in the cloud, you know that you still need some on-premise resources and infrastructure to handle and offload bandwidth requirements between your LAN network and virtual cloud LAN network.

Typically, in most cases you’d have an on-site on-premise domain controller to handle local login and authentication, as well as resource access. But why use a fully writable domain controller, when you can use an easy to manage and maintain RODC?

Using an RODC at your local site allows you to offload services off the pipe, to the RODC, again limiting bandwidth requirements to AD synchronizations and delta synchronizations. This allows your bandwidth to be used for more important things like Line of Business applications, e-mail, etc.

As most IT professionals prefer simple and functional, this keeps simplified and easy to manage.


RODC’s are a perfect tool to compliment your IT infrastructure and help secure it as well. I’ve placed numerous Read Only Domain Controllers at customers branch offices, remote oil and gas sites, and in various other scenarios.

Not only have they kept these customers up and running during outages, but the ease of use and ease of management make it common sense to use this technology.

May 162019

There may be a situation where you wish to completely reinstall WSUS from scratch. This can occur for a number of reasons, but most commonly is due to database corruption, or performance issues due to a WSUS database that hasn’t been maintained properly with the normal maintenance.

Commonly, when regular maintenance hasn’t occurred on a WSUS database, when an admin finally performs it, it can take days and weeks to re-index the database, clean up the database, and run the cleanup wizards.

Also, due to timeouts on IIS, the cleanup wizard may fail which could ultimately cause database corruption.

Administrators often want or choose to blast away their WSUS install, and completely start from scratch. I’ve done this numerous times in my own environment as well as numerous customer environments.

In this guide, we are going to assume that you’re running WSUS on a Windows Server that is dedicated to WSUS and is using the WID (Windows Internal Database) which is essentially a built-in version of SQL Express.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are using Microsoft SQL, these instructions will not apply to you and will require modification. Only use these instructions if the above applies to you.

What’s involved

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) relies on numerous Windows roles and features to function. As part of the instructions we’ll need to completely clear out:

  • WSUS Role, Configuration, and Folders/Files
  • IIS Role, Configuration, and Folders/Files
  • WID Feature, Configuration, and Database Files

Since we are completely removing IIS (Role, Configuration, and Folders/Files), only proceed if the server is dedicated to WSUS. If you are using IIS for anything else, this will completely clear the configuration and files. You also do not want to run this on a domain controller as Active Directory also uses WID.

Let’s get to it!


  1. Open “Server Manager” either on the host, or remotely and connect to the host you’d like to reinstall on.
  2. Open “Remove Roles and Features” wizard.
  3. Click “Next”, and select the Server, and click “Next” again.
  4. On the “Remove server roles” screen, under “Roles”, we want to de-select the following: “Web Server (IIS)” and “Windows Server Update Services” as shown below. Selecting WSUS and IIS Roles to be Removed
  5. Click “Next”
  6. On the “Remove features” screen, under “Features”, we want to de-select the following: “Windows Internal Database” and “Windows Process Activation Service” as shown below. Selecting WID and WPAS Features for Removal
  7. Click “Next” and follow the wizard to completion and remove the roles and features.
  8. Restart the Server.
  9. Open an administrative command prompt on the server, and run the command “powershell” or open powershell directly.
  10. Run the following command in powershell to remove any bits and pieces:
    Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices,UpdateServices-DB,UpdateServices-RSAT,UpdateServices-API
  11. Restart the Server.
  12. We now must delete the WSUS folders and files. Delete the following folders:
    C:\Program Files\Update Services

    Note: You may have stored the WSUS content directory somewhere else, please delete this as well.
  13. We now must delete the IIS folders and files (and configuration, including the WsusPool application pool, bindings, etc.). Delete the following folders:

    Note: You may have issues deleting the “inetsrv” directory. If this occurs, simply rename it to “inetsrv.bad”.
  14. We now must delete the WID (Windows Internal Database) folders and files (including the WSUS SQL Express database). Delete the following folder:
  15. While we removed the IIS folders and files, we deleted a needed system file. Run the following command to restore the file:
    sfc /scannow
  16. Restart the Server.

WSUS, IIS, and WID have at this point been completely removed. We will now proceed to install, apply a memory fix, and configure WSUS.

For instructions on installing WSUS on Server Core, please click here: https://www.stephenwagner.com/2019/05/15/guide-using-installing-wsus-windows-server-core-2019/

  1. Open “powershell” (by typing powershell) and Install the WSUS Role with the following command:
    Install-WindowsFeature UpdateServices -Restart
  2. (Optional) If you want to install the WSUS MMC Snap-In/GUI, run the following command in the powershell window:
    Install-WindowsFeature UpdateServices-RSAT, UpdateServices-UI
  3. Run the post installation task command in command prompt to configure WSUS:
    "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil.exe" postinstall CONTENT_DIR=C:\WSUS
  5. Apply the “Private Memory Limit (KB)” fix as provided here: https://www.stephenwagner.com/2019/05/14/wsus-iis-memory-issue-error-connection-error/
  6. Restart the Server.
  7. Open the WSUS MMC on the server or remotely from a workstation on the network and connect it to the WSUS instance on your Server Core install.
  8. Run through the wizard as you would normally and perform an synchronization.
  9. WSUS has been re-installed.

And that’s it. You’ve completely reinstalled WSUS from scratch on your Windows Server.